-Breathing is your primary life-giving impulse that can often be taken for granted.
-Since it is part of your autonomic nervous system, it performs its function during your entire life without your awareness.
-breathing control exercises can enhance your physical and mental well-being.
-If you are a singer breathing training should be part of your daily routine.
-In this video you will find some basic introduction to breathing and how to breathe.
-Breathing training can help with:
- Reduces anxiety and depression
- Increases energy levels
- Increases body relaxation
- Decreases stress and overwhelm
- Strengthens immune system
- Improves mental concentration
-In this video you will find out the benefits of breathing exercises and the explanation of a correct approach to my 360 Beat Breathe - breathing training session.
-40 minutes video training
-Breath is your primary life-giving impulse that can often be taken for granted.
-Since it is part of your autonomic nervous system, it performs its function during your entire life without your awareness.
-However, it’s possible to bring this function of your body under conscious control through breathing exercises.
-These exercises can enhance your physical and mental, well-being.
-If you are a singer breathing training should be part of your daily routine.
-Let’s train together!
-Get ready, relax, and enjoy your session.